Purchasing Fine Art Prints

Purchases of Fine Art Prints can be made here online, through PayPal -- either using your PayPal account (if you have one) or with various credit cards. To purchase a print (or prints), click on the thumbnail of that image. Toward the bottom of the right hand side of the new window that pops up (with a larger version of the image), you’ll find a white, rounded, drop-down bar that you click on to see and choose the print size (and matted or not) you’d like to order (and prices, which include shipping). Highlight your choice, then click on the yellow oval “Add to Cart” button right below it. A new window -- a PayPal shopping cart -- will open, with your selected print choice (quantity of 1, which can be changed here) added to it. If you want to “continue shopping” -- meaning to head back to my website to choose other images to purchase prints of or to just look around some more before finalizing your order -- click “Continue Shopping” at middle left and the shopping cart window will close (Do note: if you remove all choices from the cart [leaving an empty cart], that “Continue Shopping” button disappears and you’ll have to “manually” close the shopping cart window to "uncover" my website window). If you’re ready to make your purchase and checkout while in the shopping cart, use the buttons on that page -- or if you’ve returned to my website, reopen the shopping cart window by clicking on the red “Shopping Cart” link (with the white shopping cart icon to its left) at the top right corner of any of the thumbnail pages.

Delivery/Reproduction Rights/Alternate Papers
Plan on 3-4 weeks for receiving your prints (usually via FedEx) for most images (an occasional image may take longer, but if this becomes the case, I will contact you about this). Unmatted prints (unless there are a whole bunch) will be sent (packed carefully) in cardboard tubes; matted prints will be sent packed (again, carefully) flat. Reproduction rights -- for use of images in magazines, books, calendars, corporate pieces, advertising, or whatever -- are available for all images. Email me at kenlans@raincity.com with all pertinent details about your desired use and I will get back to you with appropriate prices and terms. If you want prints made on something other than the Fuji SuperGloss I usually use (see "About Prints"), email me and I'll get back to you about prices and arrangements.

All photos copyright Ken Lans Photography