About Me and My Photography

I first began taking photos just to record and help remember adventures I had in the great outdoors. Mountains, wilderness and being out in nature have long been an important part of my life. A travel camp the summer I turned 16, where we backpacked in Colorado, Arizona and Montana, learned to rock climb in the Tetons, and climbed to the summit of Mt. Rainier, lit the passion. And then a 5-week wilderness training course with NOLS in the Wind River Mountains of Wyoming, the summer before I started college, drew me all the rest of the way in. Over the years, the pictures that began as a way to merely document those trips became much, much more -- a way for me to not only capture what I saw, but to try to share what I felt and experienced in these very special, wild places. Throughout the twists and turns of my work life -- from anti-nuclear activist, to getting my medical degree and working as a general practice physician, then leaving medical practice and becoming a magazine editor and publisher for The Mountaineers outdoor club, getting my MBA and working as a marketing director for a healthcare informatics company, and being a stay-at-home dad -- the wilderness, and my photography, have always been there. This website hopefully allows me to share my work -- and the beauty and wonder of these unique and special places -- with many more of you.

Beyond the Photographs
I wrote something, a number of years ago, as part of my acknowledgments for a backcountry guide I edited for The Mountaineers Books, that still best captures what the wilderness means for me -- and what, I hope, through my photographs, I can kindle a bit of in you. “Remember to have fun when you head into the mountains. Renew yourself and revel in the grandeur -- but also take time to get down on your hands and knees and marvel in tiny clumps of moss and lichen and rivulets of water dancing in the streams. It’s not just the looming peaks that make wilderness the special place it is. It’s also the myriad of small wonders and unexpected details that snag out hearts, excite our spirits, and illuminate our souls.” Enjoy your time here.

All photos copyright Ken Lans Photography